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One stop pregnancy information guide for South Asian mums

The JanamApp is trustworthy information at your fingertips for all your needs in pregnancy, labour and postnatal care including looking after your baby in the first few weeks of birth.


Evidence-based information from national and international guidelines.

It covers all the areas of pregnancy from emergency situations , your routine antenatal care , problems that can arise in pregnancy, everything you need to know about labour , pain relief options , and your birth choices and supports you during the postnatal period and looking after the baby.

When women have access to accurate and reliable information about pregnancy and postnatal care, they feel more confident and prepared to make decisions that align with their values and preferences.

With the right information, women can make informed decisions about their health and their baby’s health. They can weigh the benefits and risks of different options and choose what’s best for them.

When women have access to the right information, they are more likely to engage in conversations with their healthcare providers, ask questions, and share their concerns. This can lead to better communication, increased trust, and better outcomes.

Having the right information can help women manage their health during pregnancy and postnatal period, reducing the risk of complications and improving outcomes for both mother and baby.


Watch content at your own pace and time.

All the information is in a linguistically appropriate audio-visual format in a language that is easy to understand.

  • User friendly App

    Change languages with a single click and view content, save favourites and even provide feedback with ease.

  • Trusted and Reliable

    Co-designed with pregnant women, midwives , obstetricians and the wider multi disciplinary team of specialists .


Wide Range of Pregnancy Content

Explore our interactive calendar, designed to help you track key pregnancy milestones, and compliment appointments with ease. Stay organised and informed throughout your journey with JanamApp.

Stay updated and informed with regular health notifications, providing advice, tips, and essential information tailored to pregnancy and postnatal care. Empower your journey with easy to understand guidance at your fingertips.

Access compassionate bereavement support content during difficult times. Audio-visual information has been designed to take you through the next part of your bereavement journey and offer some additional help. You’re not alone—Alongside your hospital teams, JanamApp is there to support you.

Access our unique multi-lingual mental health content, featuring expert advice, coping strategies, patient stories and resources to support you through the challenging emotional stages that may occur in pregnancy and beyond.


Beautifully Crafted and User Friendly


Please watch this short intro video on the JanamApp

JanamApp is your information companion through your pregnancy journey and beyond. It has been co-designed with the team of professionals and pregnant women using trustworthy evidence-based research from national and international standards. The Information is available in English, as well as five South Asian languages, Hindi, Gujarati, Punjabi, Tamil and Bengali. The app can be downloaded at any time during your pregnancy with the help of your health care professional. The information is set out in a simple to navigate format with our mission to help pregnant women and improve health inequalities.